The following message was posted in the readers' letters section at yesterday. It just takes a couple of minutes to dash off an email to let the theatre chains know that the freepers aren't the only one who can mount an email campaign. I started another thread on this topic yesterday, but didn't have the list of email relevant addresses collected together. Let's keep this thread bumped.
READER: By the way, I already sent a few emails to the larger theater groups listed, thanking them for not giving in to the bullying. I also got a response back saying they are being barraged by right wing threats.
WRH: Tell them who is behind it. It is important that the theaters know this is a bought-and-paid-for campaign and not a grass-roots movement. If this story gets wide play, it will blow up in their faces. Americans at heart still believe in fair play and rejection of this sort of dirty tricks gaming to silence opposition transcends party affiliation. Everyone should be outraged at "Moore-gate". As WRH suggests, it's probably good to let them know that you are aware that the anti-Moore campaign is being organized by the right wing, GOP connected PR firm, Russo Marsh and Rogers