While it's nice to see a Monday-morning piece (better than nothing), it would be nicer to see our "journalists" abandon their Shrub-worship and RAYGUN-canonizing and Poppy-parachuting to put some clues about Shrub together NOW.
http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1101040614-646366,00.html...the undisclosed location known as Site R, an underground bunker on the Maryland-Pennsylvania border where the Vice President spent much of his time in 2001. Deep under Raven Rock Mountain, Site R "is a secret world of five buildings, each three stories tall, computer filled caverns and a subterranean water reservoir." It is just 7 miles from Camp David. ....
Led by Deputy Defense Secretary Paul
Wolfowitz, they were installed at various national-security choke points in the government, and nothing moved without their O.K. Bamford comes very close to stating that the hard-liners were wittingly or unwittingly
acting as agents of Israel's hard-line Likud Party, which believed Israel should operate with impunity in the region and dictate terms to its neighbors. ....
Feith, a senior Pentagon official, set up several secret offices in the Pentagon that
received data from Israel's own intelligence teams and coordinated its findings with them, partly as a way to get around CIA caution in the region. ....
"Off on the sidelines, George Tenet was one of the few who knew the truth," he writes, adding that Tenet preferred to work behind the scenes on minor disagreements about the data "instead of speaking out" against the grand scheme. That's a harsh indictment of the man who kept America's secrets under two Presidents. But one of Tenet's colleagues was even less generous, saying simply, "We caved."