I just printed a sign that reads, "Love your Bumpersticker," using the largest font possible and mounted it on a piece of cardboard, with a handle taped on the back.
This way, when I pull up next to someone at a stoplight who has the nerve to adorn their car with liberal slogans, I can just honk and hold the sign to my window and give them a quick thumbs up before the light changes.
Also, I would encourage all of you to praise people you run across in parking lots and gas stations with similar vehicular adornments.
I just did it 30 minutes ago to a guy at a gas station...I actually waited for him to come out to his car. He had a sticker that read, "It is impossible to simultaneously prevent and prepare for war," an Albert Einstein quote.
I said, "HEY!" and the poor guy looked at me nervously...then I said, "Love your stickers," giving a thumb's up and a smile. A relieved smile came across his face and he said, "Cool."
What a nice, brief connection. Only took an extra two minutes out of my day, most of that time just waiting for him to get to his car.
We can win this; we just have to make others aware that there are lots of us. :grouphug: