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Sun Jun-13-04 03:46 PM Original message |
G W Bush - like poetry in motion |
The big picture
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The big picture started small for the eldest son He started with a magnifying glass and ants fsst pop Frogs and firecrackers BANG Then he progressed to setting nests on fire CHEEPCHEEPCHEEP Then a cats tail EEEeaaaaooow A dog caught a dart in the ribs OOOWOOwowo You knew him in school and how he tortured kids please don't please don't... His anger was fierce and sudden. No one thought it strange. Everyone knew he's no boy scout. They'd say boys will be boys. Only the price of their toys change. Promotion was never in doubt. Despite being AWOL from the Air Force. His finger's now on the button, Life has gone full circle. Its as if he's back to frying ants. Many admire savagery No one dares call it sadism. We call it duty and patriotism. At Yale he renounced every boy scout pledge to be trusted with the big picture. No boy scout could do what's expected of a commander. The big picture was about national security, not the individual life, liberty or justice. The power to ignore the constitution and allow only business to decide. The big picture made him a bigger man than he was. The intoxicating power of the big picture came with the wave of a fork at dinner to trigger a killing a cool internalized thrill to play by no rules but your own in a company that eats their own. That eats nations and the earth. The big picture goes beyond genocide it goes beyond mile high glaciers that will again one day cover NY. It goes beyond right or wrong. It is a proud elite dynasty that snigger in secrecy about their latest coup or about their latest war The worst kept secret is how savagely dumb they are. ![]() Professional liars -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It use to be a lie was finessed. Many devices were employed but today the liars are bolder since opposition is destroyed. Shootings were quick and easy But disease is another way to protect the biggest lie and bury the truth yesterday. Its enough to make you cry hearing murderers say "we will protect you" when you know there is no way. Breaking eggs Today they rounded up 500 muslims in LA The new patriot law requires registration. The number arrested and taken away is a secret to secure our nation. The republican said almost apologetically "You have to break a few eggs to make an omlette" I told him "Soon many more will begin to disappear. Of course they won't come for you. You have nothing to fear. When they start coming door to door you can tell them you obey the new regs and where your neighbors are hiding. As you say its only eggs A Taste of Paradise (fast Irish Jig) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Chicago White Sox are all wearing black socks. Right to lifers want lifers to die. Once we were free we again fear small pox. Its 90 in April and 50 July. Courts elect Bush who was in detox. When were all upside down its hard to survive. Leaders are punished for small acts of love. We pay people to bomb just so we can drive. Like father like son when push comes to shove. The true evil doers all wear a disguise. When things get real tough the brave run and hide. We hope to profit by believeing the lies. We'll trade our tommorrows and grandchildren's lives. to taste paradise before we all die. Sometimes the world seems like a big backwards mess like J Edgar Hoover in a red dress. A quick and easy sell Hatred is a quick and easy sell for most plain folks. Its us or them. Its US Its US, every time. Whatever side you're on you had to be carefully taught. This holiday some of you will be attending religious events listening to the message of peace and hope for the world but most of you are anticipating war. Peace on Earth, good will toward men never was and will never be So lets kill those that don't agree. The US invasion of Iraq will be the capper to the Super Bowl. Cocked and locked, locked and loaded TV puts a proud face on the killing with maps and animations. All the left publications and radio stations bought up by multi billionaires will dillute the tributaries of common sense with fluff. Ann Coulter will shout down those who miss the bill of rights. But we will have more oil, religious fervor and fights. Cable TV with 100 stations and no reporters every single night. Be careful not to lose your "grain of salt"... it is tiny, dissolves in BS and, for some, vaporizes at the invocation of the word of god Victory on TV click The price of gas went up two pints over the usual one pint of blood per gallon. Without speed pass I have to make 2 round trips to pay first and get my change. What is the price of gas in Mecca? Usama's Mercedes dies of thirst from a blown radiator hose. click...We need to attack Iraq the bald oilman crows. The 3rd Reich's mythology blamed the jews and intelligensia. The supermen are to be praised but no archeological proof could be raised. Out back the grass is overgrown I step on something that yells "I am buzz light year" "To infinity and beyond" were his last words. New myths are spun on CNN that few dare call a lie. As if it depends on what you believe to make nonsense fly. Some guy from Indiana said "after 9-11 I can see NYC has humans much like our own". Government by religion is quick to kill. Even our region has prayers of ill will. The war fever in Atlanta is cooled by another Mariah Carey clone winning the American Idol. King to prince father to son cleric to God "an old war has begun". I have to leave it all behind for the kids bed time story. Maybe something from Dr. Seuss... Old war, wild war, cold war, bio war... I think God could use some advice. He needs answers too. I'm sure you'll grant he has free will giving his experiments multiple outcomes. If all you get are questions and requests you're bound to get pissed off too. I wish the kids would sleep perchance to dream meanwhile the small print on MSNBC is a scream. Now whats on the Histrionic channel? The Germans fall in line behind a liar. click I get by with a little help from Depends. At least the dumbmercials are getting better. The 5 pillars of Isladenism Islam according to terrorism theology Ladenism- a religion of faith and lies Ladenism, is founded on fibs and oft repeated phrases. The 10 mantras: 1) "God is Great." 2) " Allah will help us destroy the infidels." 3) "We have to defend ourselves, donations and Jihad is the only way." 4) "Since September 11, We have shown the world we can win." 5) "We will fight until every Jew and Jew lover is removed from our historic land." 6) "Hero's die for Allah." 7) "We do not need anything from the West." "Jews and the Bush administration 'let 9/11 happen." 9) " Islam is the one true faith." 10) "Weapons of mass destruction will save us!" Every good lie has a speck of truth in it. The dangers of Isladenism-ism: The plodding US action is like an angry powerful fat guy going up against Islamic judo experts. The fat guy's own weight and momentum will be used against him with such economy of movement that the judo expert will win. Proportionality limited the 5 planes destined to destroy American landmarks and kill only a "few infidels". Once an all out US attack on the middle east begins, porportionality will be discarded. 5 planes could then be used with the grace of God to crash into 5 Nuclear power plants - rendering 90% of the inhabited US east coast unihabitable. The fleeing exposed population could then be subjected to bio agents to continue God's work. ............................................................................. Bushism - a religion of faith and lies Bushism, is founded on fibs and oft repeated phrases. The 10 commandments/mantras: 1) "George Bush is an intelligent and decent man." 2) "I have faith in our system of checks and balances." 3) "We have to defend ourselves, and WAR is the only way to do that." 4) "Since September 11, George Bush has shown strong leaderships skills." 5) "Europeans don't agree with us because they're effete appeasers." 6) "George Bush's administration is filled with solid, foreign policy pros." 7) "George Bush is doing an excellent job in the war on terror." "People who say the Bush administration 'let 9/11 happen' are conspiracy nuts." 9) "The media is liberal." 10) "Saddam has weapons of mass destruction!" Every good lie has a speck of truth in it so some of the above lies may appeal to you on the surface. The dangers of Bushism: The danger is that our current course of plodding action is like an angry powerful fat guy going up against a judo expert. The fat guy's own weight and momentum will be used against him with such economy of movement that the judo expert will win. Borrowing from the Muslim double edged sword, nuclear weapons will spell defeat for both racist religions that strive to oppress freedom as they choose. terrorism, bushism, oilism ism's are never so alike as when we're at war. Hearsay is now evidence dissent is disloyalty A lie is the truth and hypocrisy is piety "Look at this picture of a site for WMD!" In a land where perception is held in higher regard than facts there is the belief that all things are possible with the appropriate lie or change in language. In the short run they are right. In the long run once the tissue of lies becomes all wet, the fabric falls apart. the picture is of Mars. |
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