James Bovard "terrorism and tyranny" C-SPAN 2 now
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Sun Jun-13-04 05:40 PM
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James Bovard "terrorism and tyranny" C-SPAN 2 now |
good book, saying it's obvious government is incapable of limiting it's own powers
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Mon Jun-14-04 02:16 AM
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1. Kanary, we saw this too. What do we all know about Bovard. |
He seemed to be dead on and we were both very impressed. He has a new book coming out in July. We did research on him and it seems he has made alot of enemies. That is a good thing. He is calling a duck, a duck.
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Mon Jun-14-04 02:31 AM
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2. Kanary.......I sent your media contact list to another forum |
but it only went up "L"
can you post it here again?
thanks.....it was VERY much appreciated there
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Fri Feb 14th 2025, 01:07 AM
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