June 10, 2004 NE
Talk about flip-flops
Judging from his June 6 Op Ex column about John Kerry's comments on nuclear waste storage at Nevada's Yucca Mountain, George F. Will is evidently very fond of consistency in public officials.
Therefore, I'm sure he is similarly disappointed in the many and varied policy flip-flops by George W. Bush. To save Mr. Will future research time, I've conveniently listed the high points below (space limitations preclude a complete list):
• Opposing the McCain-Feingold campaign finance legislation as a presidential candidate in 2000, then voicing support for it as he signs it into law two years later (rather than vetoing it).
• Supporting mandatory reductions in carbon dioxide emissions as a presidential candidate, then reversing himself two years after taking office.
• Opposing the creation of an independent 9/11 commission, then reversing himself four months later.
• Refusing "as a matter of principle" to allow National Security Adviser Condoleeza Rice to testify before the 9/11 commission, then permitting her to testify after significant public pressure to do so.
• Supporting free trade, then imposing tariffs on imported steel to help his reelection prospects in Pennsylvania and West Virginia.
I look forward to reading Will's future columns on these subjects.
Jim Stemper, Minneapolis.