First the SCOTUS ruling regarding police and asking citizens for identification.
Now this little gem.
"H.R. 218 Passes House!!!
F.O.P.'s Grassroots Effort Instrumental to Today's Success
Chuck Canterbury, National President of the Grand Lodge, Fraternal Order of Police, hailed the adoption of H.R. 218, the "Law Enforcement Officers' Safety Act," by voice vote. The legislation, sponsored by Representative Randy "Duke" Cunningham (R-CA) was considered on the House floor today under a suspension of the rules.
"The Fraternal Order of Police has been working on this legislation for a long time," Canterbury said. "We knew that we would win today's vote--every time this legislation has been considered by the House or the Senate it has passed."
The bill, which exempts qualified active and retired law enforcement officers from State and local prohibitions with respect to the carrying of concealed firearms, is the F.O.P.'s top legislative priority. The legislation has wide, bipartisan support in both the House and Senate, with two hundred and ninety-three (293) and seventy (70) cosponsors, respectively.Last week, President George W. Bush wrote a letter to Canterbury recognizing the F.O.P.'s hard work on the bill, which he described as one which would "better protect our Nation from danger."
More...For a list of the co-sponsors go to and search on S.253 and/or HR. 218... "national security" :eyeroll: makes for some strange bedfellows.
For those not aware or fully informed about concealed carry issues: what this bill does is allow both active duty and retired law enforcement officers to carry a concealed firearm outside of their State of residence. Currently, concealed carry (CCW), laws and permits are granted by the individual States. Unless one State chooses to recognize or honor a CCW permit issued by another State, then it is illegal for a resident of one State to carry a concealed firearm in a State that does not have a reciprocal agreement. This has always applied
regardless of ones employment, status or position.
This bill will grant special privileges to "qualified" present and retired law enforcement officers that other ordinary law-abiding citizens can not partake in.
Additionally, there is no "opt-out" for States to not honor this legislation. This applies equally to States that allow CCW permits (be it "shall issue or "may issue"), States that don't require a permit, and States that don't allow for any permit.
States rights, equal protection under the law and the "immunities and privileges" stated under the 14th amendment have just been thrown out the window.