Event though I live in NY, I live in the most heavily Republican controlled county in the state. In fact, Sid blumenthal mentions us in his book as being corrupt as well. Much to my surprise, our local Lowes was showing the film. Here is my experience.
My spouse and I had ordered our tickets in advance, but when we got to the theater it was very quiet. No lines, no protesters. At first I thought maybe few had come to see it. When we got in the theater it was actually packed to near capacity. I should mention that many people in our town were killed at the WTC and many have family in the military so I didn't know how they would react.
They were outraged - outraged over gore v bush all over again, outraged by the Bush/Saudi connections, outraged by the images of slaughtered Iraqis and their grieving family members, and horrified for the soldiers put into this hellish situation. Mutterings of "scumbags" and "fuckers" were heard all over the theater.
I did learn something new. I did not know that black congresspeople had tried to have gore v bush overturned but NO senator would sign their documents. I was disgusted by all of our leaders in both parties. Where the fuck was our party when we needed them to fight for us?
When the film (which was a bit too long) was over, the audience applauded and walked out past a crowd waiting to get in. They asked us "how was it?" We told them it was good, but we probably seemed very subdued to them. I hate violence of all kinds and many scenes were hard to watch - there was a soldier who lost both hands, there were Iraqi children dead with their intestines scattered about, and there was grief of the most difficult kind. Women - mothers and grandmothers crying, screaming, calling to God in their despair. It was heart wrenching.
We cannot allow Bush to keep this office for another four years. We must not let it happen. And someone (maybe me) needs to tell the poor people of America that they MUST NOT join the military to pay for college. They must get student loans and grants ... they must learn about trade schools and other chances at a better life that don't entail risking your life.
No wonder the neocons didn't want this film shown. It tears them to pieces using their own words, images, and actions. See it. See it now.