Liberal talk radio comes to Bakersfield, CA
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Fri Jun-25-04 09:05 PM
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Liberal talk radio comes to Bakersfield, CA |
I'm getting this information from the Bakersfield Californian newspaper Friday's addition. Go to for their web site.
Starting last Saturday Bakersfield, CA has a liberal talk radio show
The host is Duane Moore. His show is on Saturdays from 10AM till noon.
The show is on KGEO-AM 1230 on the dial. He is the chairman of the Kern county Democratic Central Committee. He's a former professional rodeo bull rider. Now he is a 48 yr old construction worker and rides a Harley. He doesn't get paid but has 16 sponsors signed up.
Gold Metal Flake
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Fri Jun-25-04 09:22 PM
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It's gonna take time to rebuild freedom, but it's happening!
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Fri Jun-25-04 09:45 PM
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Edited on Fri Jun-25-04 10:04 PM by RatTerrier
Right smack dab in the middle of Freeperland.
And we can't get anything close to that in Milwaukee, a city formerly run by socialists. Closest thing is the syndicated Tom Joyner on an R&B station.
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Thu Feb 06th 2025, 08:16 AM
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