Edited on Fri Jun-25-04 09:25 PM by eaprez
In Columbus Ohio. The theatre wasn't sold out for the movie. Lots of seats were still open - HOWEVER - 7:05PM on a Friday is not a great time for movie going if you have to get home from work, get dinner, cash checks, etc.....when we left there was a much bigger crowd standing in line to get into the theatre. No new revelations for me --- however, it was still rather shocking to see it all laid out like it was. Although there was clapping, crying, laughing (movie was well done) - I thought the audience was kind of subdued - however the movie got enthusiastic applause at the end. Funny, I've seen several local interviews on tv with people who had seen this - even one of the newscasters himself said - he was a Republican, he'd seen it and he is angry and won't be voting for Bush.
Oh...going in was very, very weird. They had a police offier standing by the entrance to the stadium we went into. That was odd. Policemen sat in the theater as well. Also they lined us all up and checked our tickets individually - something they don't normally do before you go into the individual stadium.