Edited on Fri Jun-25-04 10:06 PM by homelandpunk
On "Talk of the (scared) Nation" the host was interviewing a documentary fimmmaker, a woman who filmed the inside workings of al-Jazeera and he asked why only left-leaning individuals are making documentaries like this. This woman filmmaker said that the people on the left are interested in challenging the status quo and the moron host laughs stupidly and cuts her off and says "the status quo can be challenged from other sides" with an edge of exasperation in his voice. Yeah right, right-wingers are so prone to sticking it to rich whitey in documentaries. At another point a caller was mentioning the right wing bias of the media in regards to the war and coverage of Bush, and the same asshole interupts, and with the same edge of exasperation bordering on fear(?) is in his voice "well the other side says the same thing...they say the same thing...i mean it goes both ways...I'm just saying...blah blah." And you KNOW if a right inger was claiming liberal bias, this guy would not interrupt with FRANTICALLY saying "But, but, but the other side is saying the same thing!!" At another point the filmmaker is mentioning how bizarre it was to the arabs to hear "shock and awe" announced and how they saw the things americans would never see, mentioning I think "ten ton bombs" being strapped to these fighter jets, and how the arabs saw later the destruction whereas americans just see some rah rah piece before the war...and this doofus host says "to be fair, we did not use TEN TON bombs, I mean..." Christ, it's as if Karpinski was in the room with her dogs at the ready if this guy did not do his best to appease Rush and Sean listeners. I mean this guy was frantic if the converstion started sounding too "leftist". But these same people let Tony Blakely, William Kristol, et al, say anything and eveything they want without ANY challenges or corrections from the hosts.... You NPR supporters are really strange. You give them - THEM? - your money? And if I asked how much you give theses NPR jackoffs every year, I'll bet it is equal to or well above what you would spend on a Sirius or XMRadio setup. Is it just the quasi-intellectual snobbish feeling you get by saying "I gave to NPR. AirAmerica is...how should I say...a bit low-brow. The guests from the policy institutes and think tanks who intone their drivel always stimulates my sense of elitism." Cause, if that ain't what is driving you people, please explain it. NPR is for pantywaists and pink tutus.