Fifrteen of us (myself, myrna minx, Sister minx, paulie dangerously, random thought, no name no slogan, Mrs. slogan, indigo 32, Mama indigo, dpbrown, GAspnes, scarletwoman, supormom, dflprincess, and Eric J in MN--I hope I didn't forget anyone) gathered at a local coffee shop before heading over to the Lagoon Theater to see the 5:00 PM showing of F911.
By the time I arrived, myrna minx had learned that the Lagoon was now showing F911 on three of its screens, and by the time we arrived at th theater, there was a sign up saying that ALL the Friday shows were sold out, and that included the 12:20AM (as in after midnight) shows.
As we were getting settled in our seats, a theater employee came and announced that due to an overload of the computerizd reservation system, the theater had been oversold, and that the first 50 volunteers would be given tickets for the 7:30 PM showing, since the film was being moved from the small, multi-screen Lagoon across the street to the large, auditorium-sized Uptown theater.
We were all very impressed with the film. It was masterfully constructed and edited, and the use of music was brilliant. I learned a few things that I had either never known or had forgotten.
Afterwards, we gathered at a nearby bar for drinks and dinner. Looking out the window, we could see the crowds gathering outside the Uptown, with the line curving around the block.
All I can say is "Woo-hoo!"