Kerry: I have never asked anybody to be my Vice-President.
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Fri Jun-25-04 11:59 PM
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Kerry: I have never asked anybody to be my Vice-President. |
THis should debunk the McCain stuff.
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Sat Jun-26-04 12:03 AM
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1. it was media whores who asked mccain if he would accept vp if kerry asked |
mccain said no to them. and the media whores used that to claim that mccain had turned down vp for kerry as if kerry had offered it to him.
kerry and mccain are very close and it would not be surprising if they talked about vp and other things. but the fact is he never offered directly. asking someone who is a really close friend if they would ever "consider" it "if" asked is not an offer for vp either.
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Sun Feb 09th 2025, 02:51 AM
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