reading here about the packed audiences and lines around the block, but then again I am in extreme repugnant land. And it was a 4:30 show and the theatre does not fandango. It was probably 3/4 full. There was a hearty applause upon the conclusion. There was an older white pop-up van outside parked with a moveon sign and a huge Democratic voter registration sign that was parked out front when we left that wasn't there when we arrived. A saw a few people walking up to them and getting some a bumpersticker.
I guess I shouldn't have read all the spoilers. I was a little disappointed but, maybe I was too close to the screen. I took my mom who I converted a ways back. Dad refused to go. I finally talked my husband into going but, he didn't go on this outing, I am gonna go with him later this week.
One thing I can tell you is that there is a massive movement going on in this country that I don't think we have grasped before. The sizes of the audiences and all the sell out shows tells you that these polls have been spewing lies for months. This country is not behind this war or this president that is complete bullshit. I just don't believe that. People are pissed. When you can get a hearty applause like that in repig town, it tells you people have been thinking this for a while, they just needed someone to tell them it is OK.
One point I would like to make. There was some very vocal anti-bush people sitting directly behind us, who made unnecessary comments throughout the movie. Although I share their sentiments, their fuck bush comments at the end of the movie made me cringe, and I am a potty mouth, and have said it many times on this board. It looks and sounds bad. There were alot of older people in this film, I just think that is not necessary. People are not stupid, they will come to their own conclusions.