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Fahrenheit 9-11 and the Burning of Bush: A review, by M. Rectenwald

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Lori Price CLG Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 12:54 AM
Original message
Fahrenheit 9-11 and the Burning of Bush: A review, by M. Rectenwald
Fahrenheit 9-11 and the Burning of Bush: A review, by Michael Rectenwald

"There's no question about it, Michael Moore's new film is an all-out assault on the Bush Regime--from its theft of the White House, to its utter implication and embroilment with the perpetrators of 9-11, its real loyalty to the oil-rich Saudi Royal Family, the Bush-bin Laden nexus in the Carlyle Group, and the complete falsity behind the march to War on Iraq. Most importantly, however, Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 chronicles the fates of the victims to this series of atrocities: the families of 9/11 victims who demanded but were not (and still are not) able to get answers and thus closure to this event, the US citizens who lost rights and a say in our government, including its elections, the innocent Iraqis dying and being tortured in an unjust war and Occupation, the US soldiers dying and being lied to about the reasons, and the families who lost sons and daughters in Iraq, and without a real shred of justification."


Lori Price
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dArKeR Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 01:11 AM
Response to Original message
1. Let's not forget the American who is now in prison for saying
'Burning Bush' over a few drinks and turned in to the SS by the bartending. This happened just last year in S. Dakota? This man should be freed!

What a disgraceful Nation we have under Jesus Bush!
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