I was in DC a week ago. I and a group wanted to see the greatest institution in our country, the White House, at the end of a long day on the way back to our hotel. We drove by and to my surprise, all we could see was razed ground for the (soon?)-to-be-erected mall/walkway, some kind of green fencing/tarp which blocked the view of the property and secret service people galore at the gates/moats at the entry way. The place is a wreck and a disgrace.
I knew that a mall was being erected for security purposes, but I had no idea that the White House is virtually closed off to the public view. And with the kind of clout the president has, you just know that if they wanted the "construction" finished, it could be done instantaneously.
The condition of the White House now speaks volumes about BushCo. It's symbolic of the chasm between the resident and the citizens of this country. It's also indicative of the duly earned fear and paranoia from the world wide enemies Bush has cultivated. But to think that he tries to insulate himself from his own actions by virtually sealing the White House off from the public is despicable.
Seeing Farenheit 9/11 tonight with footage of the same White House replete with secret service walking on the roof and the tarp wrapped in front reminded me of one thing. We have to get the White House back--it belongs to this country and the people. It is not a place for cowards like Bush who make enemies and then secrete themselves away while everybody else is exposed to danger.