Edited on Sat Jun-26-04 02:57 AM by RummyTheDummy
Sorry to post another F9/11 thread, but folks this is truly a happening. Saw it tonight in a heavily Repug area of heavily Repug Oklahoma City. Basically an upper middle class suburban shopping mall.
The 7:20 showing was roughly 10 seats (out of a posted capacity of 350)shy of a sellout. Lots of applause and laughter throughout.And at the end, a giant standing ovation -- in a state that hasn't voted for a Dem since LBJ in '64. As we exited there were hundreds of people waiting to get into the next showing.
For the first time in years I felt proud to be an American, if only for a moment. As someone shouted as people were exiting the theater at the end of the movie "Now go vote!"
Also noticed a lot more cops on duty in the lobby than usual. There were also quite a few kids who were obviously under 18 in the theater. How they got in, who knows. But God bless em for caring enough to try.
No freepers. Although some old fart did mutter to himself as we were leaving "look at all the communists" as he was walking by the crowd waiting to get into the next showing.
Finally, one line that got a huge round of applause was the line about what would have happened if Clinton tried to fly the McVeigh family out of the country after the OKC bombing. Just thought that was interesting.