Same game plan different players?
Vichy France
"Vichy France (French: now called Régime de Vichy or Vichy; called itself at the time État Français, or French State) was the French state of 1940-1944 which collaborated with Nazi Germany, as opposed to the Free French Forces, based first in London and later in Algiers. It was established after the country had surrendered to Germany in 1940 (see also: World War II). It takes its name from the government's capital in Vichy, south-east of Paris near Clermont-Ferrand.
France declared war on Germany on September 3, 1939 following the German invasion of Poland. After the eight month Phony War, the Germans launched their offensive in the west on May 10, 1940, and were quickly successful, occupying Paris in mid-June 1940. The French leaders considered retreating to French territories in North Africa but the vice-premier, Henri Philippe Pétain, and the commander-in-chief, General Maxime Weygand insisted that the government should both remain in France and seek an armistice with Germany." MORE.......... was life in France after France turned Vichy?
The Trial of Klaus Barbie
"On May 11, 1987, after four years of legal wrangling, Klaus Barbie, the SS officer in charge of the Gestapo in Lyon, France from November, 1942 to August, 1944, would finally attend his long overdue meeting with justice. There was little doubt that Klaus Barbie, a frail old man sitting in the defendant's box of a French courtroom, was the same Klaus Barbie who had been responsible for thousands of deaths forty years earlier. Of Barbie's hundreds of crimes, including murder, torture, rape, and deportation, only those of the gravest nature, the "crimes against humanity," would be pursued at the trial. Specifically, Barbie would be tried for his role as a perpetrator of Hitler's Final Solution and the material evidence against him was staggering." More....... The French didn't go along with Bush's war of occupation in Iraq, because they know better than anyone else when something smells Vichy! The Germans didn't either, because they'd been there done that!