I go to church every sunday morning, i swear. i support george bush and the conservatives because they impeached that disgusting bill clinton. i'm a powerful republican senator, and i enjoy having a dominatrix put me in my place like a puppy. although i support family values and i like to keep a respectable image, i do occasionally enjoy seeing my wife serviced by several strange men in latex masks, like most husbands.
like you, and all decent americans, i was shocked and appalled by the sight of janet jackson's firm, yet supple breast during a football game on t.v. that sort of filthy exhibition should be kept in the sleazy after hours swingers clubs, located on the liberal side of town. i don't want my children exposed to such degenerate perversion on t.v., while their mother and i are at the weekly orgy.
while i will not support gay marriage, or funding for obscene art, or filthy documentaries by michael imMOOREal, i do support watching my wife forced to have unprotected sex in public with people we've never even met.
sadly, now i and many other Republicans are being FORCED to admit to certain youthful indiscretions. it's like they were trying to use my sexuality as a political weapon against me. it's as if they were suggesting that i can't do my job just because i like my wife to give strangers blowjobs.
the liberal media is out of control in this country. they make a big deal about certain republican's wanderings from the marital path of virtue, but look at that sexual predator bill clinton, out selling a book about cheating on his wife. the gall of that man, who left the white house unclean and disgraced. i have NEVER cheated on MY wife. i just forced her to copulate with a few sadists and normal americans practicing their pursuits of happiness.
so, while i am no longer serving the people, my wife will soon be servicing the people, while i watch. we're in the book, so give us a call if you are a cum-passionate conservative looking for some honest to god good clean fun with a sado-masochist twist, no smokers, no fatties, and no liberals. otherwise, anything goes.