Forgive me if this has already been discussed in depth, but there is a profound implication to the release of Moore's film.
It is redundant to point out that legions of our government's crimes can be dispelled by simple access to the Internet--and it because of this that many DUers levy their disdain unto those who feign ignorance. My words have usually been more tempered, for some citizens either can't afford a computer, or opt to spend their hours, I don't know, fighting to make a living in lieu of the near-destruction of the Welfare State.
However, when Fahrenheit: 9/11 is released on DVD and VHS come September, Americans won't have any excuses left. After all, one of our country's great progressives has employed the art of the motion picture--enormously popular in that it doesn't require literacy--to help put an end to the most dangerous administration in our history. Two hours is all that is required for one to balk at Bushco. Two hours.
There is an enormous kicker to this: if Bush gets in again--despite this glorious piece of film--there is no chance history will absolve us. None. If you think the "good Germans" were unsympathetic....