Edited on Sat Jun-26-04 09:55 AM by salinen
Compare & Contrast -
- "Big Dog" had a relationship with Monica, that cost her her reputation. The "Uniter" has relationship with the bin Ladens that cost 30,000 lives and 200 billion.
- "Big Dog's" sidekick Gore took money from Buddhist. The "Uniter's" sidekick had a secret energy meeting where he promised his buddies that the war would be soon, and they'd all make way too much money.
- Hillary was involved in a land deal? and made a million. The "Uniter" was involved with big oil, and made billions for his buddies.
- "Big Dog" made a mistake a blew up an aspirin factory. The "Uniter" made no mistake and murdered 30,000 innocent people.
- "Big Dog" has a weakness for the ladies. The "Uniter" has a weakness for the weak.
- "Big Dog" wanted universal health care. The "Uniter" allowed false numbers and threats to push a criminal health care plan to benefit pharmaceuticals and HMO's, his contributors.
- "Big Dog" had a humble beginning and became a loved figure in the world. The "Uniter" was limousined to school in Conn. and became the most despised person on the planet.