Yeh, yeh, I know. "
The New Republic" is all whores, Dinos, neocons, neolibs, warmongers, and VRWC sleeper agents, just like everyone else who ever politically disagrees with us. This is still a
cute read.
by Michelle Cottle
After snickering (privately) about the serial misfortune plaguing this icon of the right, liberal observers are certain to start asking one another (as they did after the drug hubbub): When will Rush's hypocrisy become so overwhelming that it destroys his career as a moralizing gasbag?
Whatever you think of Rush, this is a fair question. While he clearly knows how to talk the talk in support of the traditional, God-fearing, family-values-oriented America of movement conservatives' dreams, Rush has repeatedly displayed trouble walking the walk. . . . When you blend these slipups together and season them with the aggressively snotty, sneering assaults Rush lives to unleash on those who stray from the path of righteousness, it's hard to see how the king of the dittoheads can keep selling his particular brand of sanctimony to 20 listeners, much less 20 million.
But keep selling he does. And, much to the dismay of critics, Rush's latest display of family-values hypocrisy is no more likely than his drug problem to end his career. Why? Because hypocrisy just doesn't drive conservatives crazy the way it does liberals.