Caveat: I'm not a conspiracy person. Conspiracy hounds tend to ignore inconvenient facts, deny coincidence, attribute executive perfection to opponents, or overplay incidental events and rumors.
But I want to have a thread where we look at the big picture and try to fit the Bush madness into a cohesive picture of why they do the stupid, heartless, and greedy things they do. Help me.
The Plame Leak
Plame wasn't just any CIA agent. She was working the Saudi oil funding terror beat. That directly ties her work to Bush's family doing business with the bin Ladens. When Scooter Libby (Cheney's chief of staff) outed Plame, he didn't just blow her personal cover; his leak knocked out her on-paper employer, the CIA's principal cover company in the field of middle eastern oil-related investigations. Every agent tied to that "consulting" firm has been revealed as an American intelligence officer. Every single source they had in Arab business and government is now also a spoiled asset.
Saudi oil & terror
This leak endangers American lives because those same field assets are how we might find out about preparations for the next terror attack on US soil, which we know Osama bin Laden is planning. I don't think the Bush administration is actively trying to make it easier for terrorists to kill us, but they sure are making it easier. If they really were secretly conspiring, their connections to the Taliban and the bin Ladens wouldn't be so easy to track (as Moore does in F9/11). Of course the idiots do also happen to be in a great position to financially benefit from whatever chaos does arrise from their own incompetance. It's all pretty loathsome.
Iraq & contractors
If Iraq is such a mess, where's the profit? The profit is in oil contracts. In most Arab countries (Iraq was no different), the right to drill for oil goes thru their respective oil ministries. If you're an oil contractor, you negotiate terms with them--the governments, which tend to be quasi-socialist, then get a big slice of the money.
But with Paul Bremer handing out the contracts, the terms were much more favorable. (Hmmm, I wonder who Bremer's going to work for next. It'd be neat to see where he lands next). The payments they had to make to the authorizing authority were, I'm guessing, significantly less and a good deal easier to negotiate. The regulations they have to deal with are next to nil. American contractors are making a bundle. Almost worth the cost of 800 troops, if you think about it their way.
Bremer, by the by, also instituted a flat income tax in Iraq under his tenure. Those guys never miss a chance, do they?
Bush & the CIA
Bush is an animal of convenience. The big mystery about him is why did the oil conservatives groom such a doofus to be their principal spokesmodel. He can't think, he can't plan, he can't talk off the cuff. He's a shell of a man. Certainly they could have found a better guy to front their operation. Perhaps that's just now occurring to Poppy, Baker, Cheney, and the Texas, California, and Saudi oil guys who finance their shenanigans.
Another possibility with Dubya is that he has more of a connection to the CIA than just his daddy. Moore's film showed that Lt. Bush got grounded from the ANG in 72 at the same time as his buddy Maj. James R Bath. Bath likes to point say that he was personally recruited to working with the CIA by Poppy Bush in the mid 70s. But in truth Poppy was with the agency as far back as the 1940s. When Dubya did his summer MBA internship with the Harvard School of Business, he got picked by a charter flight company in Alaska which is a well-known CIA contractor.
Dubya's and Bath's grounding time, about nine months, also happens to correspond to the height of activity of Air America in Cambodia (altho Air America also operated in Central America and a few other locales). The missing nine months in W's resume could convenienty fit into this type of work. Then a couple of years later, when he's back in grad school, he's got the contacts to work for another CIA flight contractor in Alaska.
Despite the fact that the Bushies have been all chummy with the CIA in days past, they seen to be on an active course of fucking over the CIA these days. And the Agency is fucking them right back (Wilson, Tenet, Clarke, Anonymous in the Guardian). Could the current political turmoil really be an intra-agency feud rather than the White House vs the CIA as has been presented in the media?
Someone got more?