This is how we're gonna "protect our forces" in Iraq during the transition to democratic rule.
First, we're gonna pass out the M-16s to everyone. Police up all those old-fashioned, heavy-ass AK-47s too.
Then we'll police up whatever lube the Iraqis were using on their AK-47s and replace it with Break-Free.
And finally, we'll dredge up a big pile of ammo that's got howitzer powder, not rifle powder, in it.
Between the sand, the howitzer powder and the shitty excuse for a lube Break-Free is, there should be exactly three working rifles in the hands of the Iraqis by the end of the year. Those guys we will immediately fly out of the country and give good jobs to. (Ashcroft will decide that the only things they're fit to run are convenience stores and hotels. Backfire to the Crisco King: you know how much money a convenience store brings in?)
Okay, seriously guys, this is pretty fucked up right here. Saddam could have had any weapons he wanted--he chose Soviet weapons because Soviet weapons are cheap, easy to maintain, easy to operate, and they WORK! Why the hell is the US buying them weapons when they have the right stuff already?