Edited on Sat Jun-26-04 04:53 PM by calimary
And I just realized something about the "bush and cheney are in deep" part. bush CERTAINLY would be. Probably most likely the "lied about it" or "knew and did nothing to stop it" part of the indictment.
Why? Because he's a sadistic, petty, vindictive little shit.
How do we know this? We have a long track record to examine.
This is an individual who, as a youngster, enjoyed blowing up frogs with firecrackers.
This is someone who, under the influence of alcohol, drove his car into the garage wall in reaction to an unfavorable critique of one of his speeches - by his wife; challenged his own dad to a knock-down/drag-out (remember the "mano-a-mano" confrontation?); and snarled to Judy Woodruff, her husband Al Hunt, AND THEIR YOUNG SON, while they were at table as a family, in a public restaurant, something to the effect of "you son-of-a-bitch! I saw what you wrote. I'm not gonna forget it!"), and laughed like a hyena and mimicked, mockingly, when Karla Fay Tucker pleaded for her life from Death Row.
This from someone who, when it came time to announce the beginning of aggressions against Baghdad, pumped his fist in the air as though he'd just slam-dunked a basketball in the NBA finals.
He's a sadistic, petty, vindictive little shit. He gets off on the suffering of others. What other sort of individual would WANT to stick firecrackers into frogs and throw them in the air to watch them blow up - and for what other purpose? Seventh grade science fair? Of COURSE he knew. MAYBE he came up with the idea, himself. Or probably what's more likely is - he just issued a directive to "git" Wilson. Maybe he suggested semi-specifics like - get him. Hit him where it hurts. His wife, maybe. What's up with her? Anything we can use? Make him pay. Make him sorry he ever Messed with Texas! Show him who he's dealing with! As kkkarl rove would say - "fuck him like he's never been fucked." As dick cheney would say - "fuck yourself." (Actually, seems to me it would have been more like "go fuck yourself.")
And when they'd planted the bad seeds, he probably wanted to know how it "took," or wanted to know if the bastard had been "taken care of." "Hey, kkkarl, did you handle that - (pause, but they all knew what he was talking about) - you did? Good work, bro!" Might even have interjected "Whatdja do?" in between the "you did?" and the "Good work, bro!" Knowing his track record and his behavior in general, he would WANT to know what the results were, and if his intended victim was properly punished, and/or was now suffering. So he could enjoy it. And he would, indeed, have taken pleasure in the results.
THAT'S what he's about. He couldn't possibly NOT be involved, at least in some way, because he enjoys punishing his enemies just a little too much to stay out of the loop when another victim's been cornered.