Ok guys and gals, try to bear with me as I go through this...
In F 9/11, we hear President Bush speak about OBL, and he says "He doens't like our way of life, our freedoms we have...etc".
-During the 80's, when Reagan was winning us the Cold War according to those republican pundits, he was also funding OBL in afghanistan, and funding the Taliban. During the 80's, OBL had no problems about our freedoms, or our liberties, or our way of life. In fact, OBL visited American representatives, and even sported American made goods on numerous occassions.
-During the Bush Administration, much of the same. Appeasement of bin Laden by sending CIA agents to help train the Afghans in guerrila fighting, and tactics that would be beneficial against future Russian expansion. Nope, Bin laden still doesn't hate us.
Hmm, in fact, bin Laden wasn't a mainstaged terrorist until the mid 90's. Let's see why: Clinton came into office, and immeaditely denouced the Taliban and al-Qaeda for what they were...prejudice to women, prejudice to anyone who doesn't believe in their ways of live. Clinton not only spoke out agasint them, he cut off funding, cut off arms shipments, cut off training, and cut off the ties the Reagan Administration and the Bush Administration had built. Uhoh...bin Laden all of sudden doesn't like the American way of life, doesn't like our freedoms. What changed between the Reagan years and the Clinton years?
President Bush, you speak on behalf of Americans, then in your next breathe, you talk about the greatness that is your dad and ex-President Reagan. If Reagan did not fund al-Qaeda, bin Laden wouldn't have gotten where he is. If Reagan did not send arms to Afghanistan, the Taliban might've lost to the Russians, then receive independence within a year due to the Soviet Union's collapse. If Bush did not continue these actions, OBL would not have the prestige, experience, or arms to carry out his private war. When the greatest president of my life stopped feeding evil, evil turned on our country. He brought the US down a notch, using tactics, weapons, and funds that were given to him by Reagan and Bush. And now, we have Bush Jr. telling us OBL doesn't like our freedoms.
Something's wrong in this world.