Mr. Moore's film has been out for days...
King Of Paperboys
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Sat Jun-26-04 03:48 PM
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Mr. Moore's film has been out for days... |
There hasn't been a SINGLE lawsuit filed to stop it.
Not one.
If there are any lies in the film, how come NO ONE is trying to stop it?
Suck my cock, Freeper.
(Note: Does not apply to gay Freepers. I wouldn't give you the satisfaction.)
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Sat Jun-26-04 03:52 PM
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1. repubs/corporate media |
keep saying that Moore lied in the documentary....but they never tell you where in the movie specifically there is a non-truth....
King Of Paperboys
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Sat Jun-26-04 03:59 PM
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If there's a lie, if there's a slander, SUE! Bring a lawsuit! C'mon, you fucking cowards! WHERE IS THE LIE?
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Sat Jun-26-04 04:03 PM
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Sat Jun-26-04 04:02 PM
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3. Have the repukes given up on * ? I find the 'outrage' minimal |
Granted I don't watch or listen to every Rightwingnut out there but do you agree that the 'outrage' to F 9/11 is pretty tame as if they are resigned to Shrub's defeat?
Burma Jones
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Sat Jun-26-04 04:25 PM
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5. I did read one RW review that said MM tells the truth - BUT |
slants it in a certain way. OH HEAVENS FORFEND!!!!!!!!!!!
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Sat Jun-26-04 04:25 PM
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6. It opened FRIDAY is most of the country. Only NYC got advanced opening |
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Sat Jun-26-04 04:26 PM
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7. Where are the point by point "debunking" websites? |
Edited on Sat Jun-26-04 04:26 PM by stickdog
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Wed Feb 12th 2025, 03:45 AM
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