The theatres are selling out. The first showing this morning was only about 1/4 full, but the line for the next showing was out the door. This is Bush country, mind you!
My comment on the movie? Oh.......my........God.
It was life altering for me. I will never view politics or our leaders in the same way. And the media....same thing.
I laughed. I cried. I tried to hide my feelings, since I was with a small group. But I couldn't help it. A sob broke out at one point.
It is a must see for all, no matter their politics. Bush supporters ought to be made to see it, even if they have to be strapped into their seats. It's not a balanced view. Moore makes no bones about the fact that this is his view. But the facts are accurate, and it is a work of art, to boot.
I've never seen anything like it. On the big screen, it makes a huge impact. I loved it!