May 14 - Washington insiders are playing a typical blame game over the Abu Ghraib prison scandal. Maybe some military leader is responsible for the outrages, they say. Maybe a civilian leader in the Pentagon. Maybe even Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld himself. Here at Berkeley, however, liberal students know exactly who to hold responsible for the dehumanization of the detainees. Ultimately, the person to blame for Abu Ghraib is George W. Bush
The real explanation for Abu Ghraib, according to many Berkeley students, has something to do with the ease with which this president turns the world into his enemy. Berkeley liberals have always chafed at the heavy-handed moralism implicit in the Bush worldview. Since Bush launched the war on terror three years ago, his war-rally rhetoric has implied that anyone outside of his narrow ideological domain is America’s sworn enemy. But Abu Ghraib makes the stakes seem higher. As we head toward the November election, voters here are taking a hard look at the president’s good versus evil outlook and the effect it’s having on our military overseas.
Lookin good folks