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Yeah... We're DOGS, All Right!!

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Unperson 309 Donating Member (836 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-04-04 07:01 PM
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Yeah... We're DOGS, All Right!!

Man, sometimes I even amaze myself! Bought some sushi this morning when we went shopping. Also bought a sixpack of beer. After putting all the stuff away, I went out and tinkered with the car, messed around in the yard, took a nap... I went into the kitchen around 2:00 to find the sushi still on the counter, room temperature!

Did I have a fit? Naaah! I just opened it up, popped an ice cold bottle of brewski, took 'em both into the den and enjoyed! When the Missus looked in on me, saw me eating the warm sushi, she was horrified!

"You IDIOT! You're gonna DIE!" she yelped! "That stuff was sitting OUT! I was going to throw it away when I took the garbage out!" I just grinned at her and swallowed another bite. "You're HORRIBLE!" she said on awe.

Aint it the truth?! I'll eat *anything* if ya have ice cold beer around to swill it down! Admit it, guys! We're DOGS!

*B*E*L*L*L*C*C*C*H*H*H*!!!!! :9 :hi: :bounce: :hi: :9

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rucky Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-04-04 07:06 PM
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1. Woof! the beer will kill the microbes
or something like that.

but just be sure, check back with us in a couple hours. don't want the last words you hear be "I TOLD YOU SO" from the widow.
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