I just finished watching "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf". A question.
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Sat Jun-05-04 09:57 PM
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I just finished watching "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf". A question. |
Or rather, re-watching. It's a great film.
My question: do you know any real life "George and Martha's"?
Their relationship was interesting, to say the least. I was wondering if people like them aren't necessarily fiction.
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Sat Jun-05-04 10:34 PM
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1. I got in trouble with a Georgetown professor for arguing that I didn't |
think she was really going to change. I still think she'll slip right back into her fantasy world. Oh well. Who knows.
To answer your question tho, I bet there are LOTS of people like that.
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Wed Feb 19th 2025, 02:07 PM
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