...I was fortunate enough to attend the Ceremony commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Invasion, at Southhampton, UK. President Clinton was there, and Chretien, and may other leaders. I took my mom, who's dad was a British agent in Denmark during the War. It was a very emotional event, and one I'll never forget.
The most memorable event had to be a tie between the Lancaster dropping a payload of poppies over the Channel, and the handful of D-Day Vets who loaded up into a landing craft in Southhampton and sailed to France, as they had exactly 50 years previous.
Statistics, by Carl Sandburg:
"NAPOLEON shifted, Restless in the old sarcophagus And murmured to a watchguard: "Who goes there?" "Twenty-one million men, Soldiers, armies, guns, Twenty-one million Afoot, horseback, In the air, Under the sea." And Napoleon turned to his sleep: "It is not my world answering; It is some dreamer who knows not The world I marched in From Calais to Moscow." And he slept on In the old sarcophagus While the aeroplanes Droned their motors Between Napoleon's mausoleum And the cool night stars."