I promise DU that if I ever find a reason to never post here again
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Sat Jun-05-04 11:27 PM
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I promise DU that if I ever find a reason to never post here again |
that I will just leave without posting my 95 theses on why I'm leaving. Promise.
El Supremo
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Sat Jun-05-04 11:29 PM
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1. Come on, indulgence us. n/t |
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Sat Jun-05-04 11:31 PM
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Sat Jun-05-04 11:30 PM
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2. But then we don't get to have another revolution! |
Edited on Sat Jun-05-04 11:31 PM by Leprechan29
A few more Martin Luthers might be a good thing
Edit: One Problem with posting your theses: DU doesn't have much of a door to attach them to
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Sat Jun-05-04 11:31 PM
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3. Oh please? Please list all 95, and I promise |
I will stay up until 3 AM and give every one prolonged consideration and reflection...
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Sun Jun-06-04 12:16 AM
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5. Then I will cry 96 tears |
Until you return. If you leave, that is.
Or not. I might just forget all about you. Who knows? :shrug:
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Wed Feb 19th 2025, 01:01 PM
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