Edited on Sun Jun-06-04 09:08 AM by Labor_Ready
There was no 'alternate ending' in Apocalypse Now Redux. Kurtz met the same fate in both versions. As far as I can remember, the difference consists of three scenes not in the original theatrical release:
The Playboy bunnies stranded at the desolate camp with no fuel for their helicopter and the impromptu R & R for the swift boat crew that ensued.
The encounter with French colonialists.
More footage of Kurtz, who is revealed in the light of day in Redux. He remained obscured in shadow for the entirety of the original edited version. Willard's captivity in a cage didn't make the theatrical release, either.
A brief scene just recurred to me: following the air cavalry assault on the village, Willard grabs the Robert Duvall character's surfboard and takes it with him onto the boat as they escape. A bit later, the boat takes cover under jungle canopy as helicopters search for them. The loudspeakers blast an admonition, 'it was a good surfboard. I liked it a lot. Return it and you won't be harmed.' I don't recall that scene in the original release.
I'm uncertain of the length added to the Redux version due to these scenes (Redux now runs over three hours), but it was spellbinding; I hardly noticed the time.
I understand Coppola's need to edit his original footage in order to release a theatrical version, but I'm glad he saw fit to include this previously-deleted footage. I don't envy the job of a film producer - having to decide what scenes make the final cut.