Dear Michelle,
You don't know me, but my name is Bush_Eats_Beef. You've probably read some of my posts on the Democratic Underground Web Site, and I certainly am no stranger to your work!
I believe that you would make an excellent wife. I don't care if you can cook. You don't have to vacuum, either. And if you want to stay up until all hours of the night writing things that make Ann Coulter and Laura Ingraham sound like Molly Ivins and Michael Moore, that's OK too. I'll be there for you when the sun comes up. How do you like your eggs? I'll bet you enjoy them "over easy," just like YOU are so easy on the eyes, my dove.
Some of my fellow posters may refer to you as a "rethug" or a "freeper" or a "fascist" or "brownshirt" or worse, but I refer to you EXCLUSIVELY as "Michelle, Ma Belle"...Sont les mots qui Vont tres bien ensemble, Tres bien ensemble!
If you'd like to be Mrs. Michelle_Eats_Beef, simply reply to this thread. I know there are several smartasses who will probably reply and PRETEND to be be you, but I will know better. There is no one like you. In fact, if it's OK with you, I'd like to invite the Scorpions to play "No One Like You" at our wedding. I'm sure that singer Klaus Meine's boss at Jiffy Lube will give him the afternoon off for something so special.
This offer is good in the Continental United States. Limit one per Michelle Malkin. Offer valid until the November 2004 elections or the impeachment of George W. Bush, whichever comes first.