area of the brain that gives people their capacity to think supernatural things are real, it's the last segment, about 8 mimutes on it.
There are several segments but this guy is the bees knees when it comes to the brain.
Vilayanur Ramachandran has been called a
Sherlock Holmes of neuroscience. Director of the
Center for Brain and Cognition at the University of
California, San Diego, and adjunct professor at the
Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla,
California, Ramachandran has brilliantly sleuthed his
way through some of the strangest maladies of
the human mind. He has done this by marrying
simple tools such as mirrors and cotton swabs
with an insatiably inquisitive mind and a tonic
sense of humor.
One of the areas in which he has made some of his greatest
strides is in the arena of phantom limbs, in which amputees and
even those born without one or more limbs feel pain and other
sensations in their missing body parts. Here, read Ramachandran's
vivid descriptions of his experiences with phantom-limb patients
and how he has managed to understand their singular dilemmas
and thereby help them. /