If there's an average Hollywood star, from this list they'd appear to be a bisexual heroin addict who's been frisky with Merle Oberon and either a patron of or worker for Heidi Fleiss' little operation. That's the impression I get, anyway, from this pretty can't-put-it-down site that collates and distills gossip on a ton of celebrities. The site's owner doesn't deny that much of what's listed is unsubstantiated, but they tried to filter to some extent. It looks to me like a lot of the testimonials come directly from people like limo drivers, wait staff, hotel staff, personal assistants, and production assistants and other crew.
Here's the URL:
http://www.geocities.com/mnussitch/gossip.htmlInteresting, anyway, but it can suck to see some of your favorite entertainers turn out to be (allegedly) rapists, sexual abusers, etc. Here's an A-to-Z by way of providing a sample:
Affleck, Ben. Rude and a boor. "Boring." May possibly be more than just friends with Matt Damon and perhaps other men over the years. Has a filthy mouth. Tranny chaser. Recovering alcoholic. Has used hookers in the past; likes threeways with hookers and Matt Damon. One account has the two looking at each other (and getting off on that) while doing the pro. Has had work done on his teeth, hair, and chin. Linked with Pamela Anderson, Sandra Bullock, Jennifer Garner, Salma Hayek, Lauren Holly, Famke Jannsen, Nicole Kidman, Jennifer Lopez, Gwyneth Paltrow, Britney Spears (who he cheated on Jennifer Lopez with, while Spears was seeing Justin Timberlake).
Bush, George W. Recovering drunkard (and probably a dry drunk) and cokehead. Not the brightest bulb in the lamp, and in fact couldn’t spell cat if you gave him the “c” and the “a.” The best argument against participatory democracy I know. Hypocritical moralist; Bill Clinton without the brains. Funded a girlfriend's abortion. At odds with his wife over how to treat his daughters' alcoholism. Believes (according to his own words) that only "believers in Jesus" will go to Heaven. Given his performance since being elected, it's now clear that the man is either a pathological liar or holds the American public in such contempt that he doesn't even bother to make his lies credible.
Cage, Nicholas. Long-time heroin user. Didn't make it through high school. Attacks paparazzi. Has at least dabbled in (and with, and on) men. "Was such an asshole on the set of Wind Talkers, that the crew referred to him as "Nick The Dick" behind his back." Reported to have a large snuff film collection, which is what broke up his marriage to Patricia Arquette. Doesn't tip (shame on you!). Formerly with Patricia Arquette (ex-wife), Laura Dern, Angelina Jolie, Sarah Jessica Parker, Lisa Marie Presley, and Uma Thurman.
Diaz, Cameron. "Self-important bimbo." Germ-phobic. Alcoholic and drug user. Very hard to work for; once made her assistant shave her armpits for her. The blonde nitwit in Lost in Translation is reportedly based on her. Has very bad acne, bad body odor, and bad breath. (What is the appeal of this woman?) Linked with Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Dillon, Jared Leto, Ed Norton, Vincent D'Onofrio, Justin Timberlake (she is acting the beard for him), and Vince Vaughn.
Eminem. Described as a nice guy by his friends, but his lyrics are vile and evil. Reportedly closeted very deeply and likes that back-door loving from and with men, and likes to watch men have sex with his girlfriend. Linked with Kim Basinger, Beyonce, Mariah Carey, Geri Halliwell, Elton John, Gina Lynn, and Brittany Murphy.
Fishburne, Laurence. Rude to fans. I've received a number of different e-mails implying that Mr. Fishburne (don't call him "Larry") is gay.
Gable, Clark. Notorious tightwad. Bad breath, and bad in bed. Preferred blondes--had a hang-up about brown/black pubic hair. Used the casting couch to break into Hollywood; had George Cukor fired from Gone With The Wind because Cukor knew that. A hustler for gay clients. Committed murderous hit and run, and MGM covered for him. Linked with Joan Crawford, Marion Davies, Olivia de Havilland, Ava Gardner, Paulette Goddard, Jean Harlow, Grace Kelly, Hedy Lamarr, Carole Lombard, Merle Oberon, Louella Parsons, Nancy Davis Reagan, Norma Shearer, Lana Turner, Lupe Velez, Shelley Winters, and Loretta Young.
Hannah, Darryl. "A 25-watt bulb in a 100-watt socket." "Addicted to pills and is so high-strung and emotional it is impossible to keep up with her...has been with many younger models." Hygienically challenged. Has a prosthetic finger/fingertip. Linked with Jackson Browne, Dodi al Fayed, John-John Kennedy, Val Kilmer, and Mickey Rourke.
Idle, Eric (of Monty Python fame). "Unpleasant egomaniac. Brown-noser. Known to treat people like gold until he gets what he wants from them. Personally responsible for the financial ruin of former best friend and ex-Rutle Neil Innes. When he was in Monty Python, he was the only member of the five who wrote bits by himself, instead of with one of the others, because he couldn't get along with any of them. To his credit, he openly admits that he's not a nice person."
Johnson, Don. Unpleasant, conceited personality (From e-mail: "'Raging asshole' is closer to the truth"). Former and most likely current drunkard and drug addict; reportedly introduced Jasmine Beeth to coke. Hygienically challenged. Has made use of hookers in the past. Linked with his teen co-star--not his first case of statutory rape, either. Has been seen shopping for sex toys with a male companion. Given to groping women. Money launderer. Linked with Patti D'Arbanville, Pamela Des Barres, Jasmine Bleeth, Melanie Griffith, Penelope Ann Miller, Sal Mineo, Babs Streisand, and Uma Thurman.
Kelly, R. Had an affair with Aaliyah when she was only 15. Is into three-ways and sex with underage women. Collects child porn. "Into water sports." Putz. "Loves to toss that salad."
Landers, Ann. She and her sister gave their all for the troops on leave during WW2. Sometimes they gave their all at the same time, in the same room, with two different men.
Maher, Bill. Incredible horndog; would diddle the alligators if they drained the pond. Masturbates before every taping of his tv show; has it written into his contract that the producers must give him 15 minutes to do so. Rumored not to be a very nice person.
Nicks, Stevie. Egotist. Is to fashion what Mike Tyson is to civilised behaviour. Claims she hasn't had sex with a man since 1994. Bi______. Big cokehead, but is afraid that it will damage her vocal chords and so has her assistant blow it into her anally. (Isn't that grotesquely delicious gossip?) In re: that last item, during the 1970s she'd give herself coke/water enemas. Is apparently known for her oral skills. (Could any man be that desperate?)
O'Neal, Shaquille. Bigoted buffoon. $0.15 mind in a $100K body (see: "I've won at every level except college and pro," and "Coach, you played?" the latter to Hall of Famer Lenny Wilkins). Member of the Nation of Islam. Has a kept woman near Westwood. Linked with Cindy Crawford, who he then boasted about shtupping. Boasted about having slept with one of the Williams sisters and was then forced to admit he lied.
Paltrow, Gwyneth. "Snotty, pompous, chain-smoking toothpick." Rumored to be evil and back-stabbing to her competitors. Acts like a diva on-set and off. Rumored to have dumped Brad over his heavy pot/X use as well as her snooty attitude towards his lack of education. Reportedly a "favorite" of Harvey and/or Bob Weinstein. Nymphomaniac whose cheating on Brad may have been the real reason they broke up. Linked with Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, Chris Martin (of Coldplay), Viggo Mortensen, Brad Pitt, Prince Nicholas of Greece, Jonathan Schaech, David Schwimmer, Jerry Seinfeld, Mark Wahlberg, and Luke Wilson.
Queen Mother. "The Queen Mother (or Elizabeth Bowes Lyons as she was then) was very well known in the local area (of Forfar) for being a "bike" (ie...everyone got a ride on her) before she was married to the future King."
Reagan, Nancy Davis. The eminence grise(ly) in the Reagan White House. Used astrology to determine policy decisions. Slept with Frank Sinatra in the White House itself. Personally pro-choice but kept quiet and supported anti-choice actions for her husband's career. Former "Hostess Girl"/prostitute for the studios when they needed to recruit someone; reported to give the best head in Hollywood, in her day. Was pregnant when she married Ronnie. Used pot at least once. Verbally abused her children. Linked with Milton Berle, Yul Brynner, Clark Gable, Peter Lawford, Frank Sinatra, Spencer Tracy, and Mike Wallace.
Sarandon, Susan. Treats her staff badly, and in public, no less, just as she does her fans. Linked with Barry Bostwick (who slapped her around) Louis Malle, Sean Penn, Tim Robbins (current thing, who reportedly abuses her emotionally and physically) and Julia Roberts.
Tarantino, Quentin. Egotistical and unpleasant (although reportedly quite good at oral sex). Never graduated from high school. Crudely hits on many, many women. Admitted drug user (pot and E). Linked with Margaret Cho (who says he's great in bed) and Mira Sorvino (who QT didn't treat well).
Ullman, Liv. Linked with Warren Beatty, Ingmar Bergman, Jerry Brown, Henry Kissinger, and Gene Simmons (yes, the Gene Simmons of Kiss, BION).
Van Damme, Jean Claude. Hygienically challenged. Vain. Drug addict and alcoholic. FOD and reportedly HIV+, but thinks he's been cured by G-d. Hard to work with. Wife beater. "A cheap bully." Pays hookers to dominate him. Linked with Jewel and Tori Spelling.
Wahlberg, Mark. Cokehead and booze-bag. Enjoys exposing himself in public places. Has anger-management problems. Biased against the Japanese and once took out the eye of an old Vietnamese man. Used to "beat fags" in Southie. Linked with Jessica Alba, Jordana Brewster, Gwyneth Paltrow, Winona Ryder & Uma Thurman.
Xuxa. Hates the kids on her show. Flashed some skin in a movie once, but never did porn. Linked to John-John Kennedy.
Yoakam, Dwight. Hygienically challenged. Emotionally (and possibly physically) abusive towards women. Hard to work with, and throws tantrums if his tea isn't fresh. Linked with Sheryl Crow, Karen Duffy, Bridget Fonda, Winona Judd, Sharon Stone, and Charlize Theron.
Zellweger, Renee. Cokehead, and none too bright. (But nice nonetheless). Anorexic/bulimic. Supposedly worked as a stripper in Austin (Texas) for a time. Linked with Jim Carrey, George Clooney, and Jack White (of the White Stripes).