Thanks for all the good thoughts in make sure the kids know that other people care. It helps them.
At sunset we laid Casey to rest next to China, our cat who was killed last week. I am pretty sure we buried the stray dog we found dead in our front yard 6 years ago near here, but am not sure. Anyway, fortunately, I did not strike any previous graves.
Casey's casket is a 20 gallon Tupperware-type container. This is the biggest pet I have ever buried, and since she was waaay over 25lbs, illegally at that. Who cares?

So, as you can see, a deep hole was required.
I think I struck oil. Is there oil on LI? Yeah, from the leaks at the gas stations.
Anyway, we read various bible passages, laughed at some of her tricks and remembered her 13 years of fun-filled life.
This dog wanted nothing more than to be near us, and us her.
So, now we have our little graveyard, or Peace Garden, as the kids have dubbed it, and our pets can stay near us.

Cat is between the fat cat statue and little temporary wooden headstone, dog is behind, under the dog statue.
The future of pets and this household is still up in the air. I am all for it, the wife is not sure she can do it again. The kids have not mentioned it.
Again, I would like to thank each and every one of you who bothered to PM, IM, Email and respond to my posts about our twin tragedies.
God bless you all.