Ellis Island (Statue Of Liberty) To Be Renamed "Reagan Island"
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Wed Jun-09-04 06:56 AM
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Ellis Island (Statue Of Liberty) To Be Renamed "Reagan Island" |
Just kidding... but I had you worried, didn't I. -- You wouldn't put it past 'em, would you?
-- Allen
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Wed Jun-09-04 06:59 AM
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1. I read an article on Yahoo News where... |
...there are seperate bills to have Reagan's face on a variety of currency and oddly enough they're all the coins that have democrats on them: Jackson, Kennedy and of course FDR.
There's another bill in congress to rename the Pentagon after him too.
BTW, I took a really big crap yesterday and I named that one after Ronald Reagan :eyes:
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Wed Jun-09-04 06:59 AM
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At least I am awake without coffee.
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Wed Jun-09-04 07:02 AM
Response to Reply #2 |
3. BTW, we're renaming your coffee mug |
to the Ronald Reagan Coffee Mug
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Wed Jun-09-04 07:25 AM
Response to Reply #3 |
I'll never drink coffee again!
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Wed Jun-09-04 07:12 AM
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Nature is calling.I have to go to the Reagan.:evilgrin:
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Wed Jun-09-04 07:17 AM
Response to Reply #4 |
5. The Ronald Reagan Memorial Urinal... Lovely! |
Edited on Wed Jun-09-04 07:17 AM by arwalden
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Wed Jun-09-04 07:33 AM
Response to Reply #4 |
8. Reagan was laying in state in my bathroom... |
Then I hit the flush handle and he left...
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Wed Jun-09-04 07:19 AM
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6. Ellis Island does not contain the Statue of Liberty |
That's Liberty Island, formerly Bledsoe's Island
Ellis Island was the site of processing of immigrants early in the last century.
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Wed Jun-09-04 08:01 AM
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9. Time to e-mail your congressmen. Are we having fun yet? |
Anyone know who Jane Wyman is? I read one she said RR was the dullest man she ever knew and also the Nancy was green eyed about her. Well she could act. I think Nancy's great love came after Jane's great love. My God he had all those Dem faults.
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Wed Jun-09-04 08:10 AM
Response to Reply #9 |
10. Exactly...But you forgot to mention... |
That when Reagan started fucking Nancy, he was still actively married to Jane Wyman. And when he divorced Jane and married Nancy, they cut his children out of their lives. Great love? No. Great Obsession is more like it. Duckie
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Wed Jun-09-04 08:14 AM
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11. Goddammit...you do realize the next shit they're going to suggest... |
...is to put that bastard up and ruin Mount Rushmore. This country has fucking lost their minds. Duckie
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Wed Jun-09-04 06:40 PM
Response to Reply #11 |
12. Well, we could then rename it Mt Rushless |
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Thu Feb 13th 2025, 02:28 AM
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