After action Freep - L.A. C.A.N.S.W.E.R. Little ole' me ^ | 6/5/04 | Outraged
Posted on 06/05/2004 6:04:18 PM PDT by Outraged
So, unfortunately, Ron Dog couldn't organize a counter protest to A.N.S.W.E.R.'s communist front anti-war rally today in downtown Los Angeles (yes ACLU, named after Angels of the Christian God). The ProtestWarriors were there, 3 strong, and two part time freeperettes. Obviously we were out-numbered.
I think I got there first, as I walked around the starting point at Olympic and Broadway, I figured there would be some type of Conservative turnout. I asked an L.A.P.D. officer where the Conservatives, if any, would be staging. The officer answered that there was none scheduled or permitted, but he saw fit to give me a lecture. He remembered me from the March 20th, counter-protest. I don't know how he recognized me given I blend in so well, what with the cowboy hat (in homage of my man Bush) and the Superman outfit resplendent with cape. The good officer reminded me of what a nuissance I had become at the last neo-commie rally, and when I offered the reality of how I was spit on, pushed, punched and otherwise assaulted, it was almost like he turned a blind eye and attempted to paint me with the color of villain.
I listened to the officer and reminded him of my right to free-speech, when a green-hatted communist from the (National Lawyers Guild) butted in his communist head. I told him it was none of his business and I had no intention in engaging a communist in discussion, "so stay out of it!"
I parted company with this dynamic duo, because the officer evidently had more respect for the commie than me (which will be evident later in the story). I made my way towards the end point of the A.N.S.W.E.R. slither and half way I met the freeperettes (don't know their screen names) and we found the 3 Protest-Warriors. We all waited for the parade to make way and it shortly did. As they passed I called them what they were, "communists." I let them know, in no uncertain terms, that they were fooling nobody. They were homosexuals, 70's rejects, militant Islamics and garden variety bottom-feeders. I made sure they realized that fascism is socialism, and no amount of B.S. could change that they were indeed the fascists, that they were advocating the ideology that murdered 100,000,000 people and that there were Saddamites and liars.
It is getting long, so I will finish in a bit…It has a nice finale.
LMFAO ! ...... THESE people are troubled ...
A cowboy hat AND superman cape ? ....
LMFAO ! ..... oh fuck .. Im rollin ....
THREE of them showed up ..... (plus two part timers ... )
Ehem ...
LMFAO ! ... Oh, Im bustin a fuckin gut ....
THESE people are SICK PEOPLE .....