I think my rotator cuff is in trouble
commander bunnypants
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Wed Jun-09-04 02:48 PM
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I think my rotator cuff is in trouble |
Man, my left shoulder has been aching for weeks. And I dont want shoulder surgery.
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Wed Jun-09-04 02:52 PM
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Are you sure it isn't cardiac related? Chest pain can be referred to the left shoulder. If that isn't the case and you think it is rotator cuff related, call your doctor and ask for a referral to a good physical therapist. Sometimes they can help.
commander bunnypants
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Wed Jun-09-04 02:54 PM
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either ythe cuff or arthritis.
Probably will go see surfer doc this week
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Wed Jun-09-04 03:07 PM
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Try PT and good luck. You know you need rotator cuff surgery when the pain keeps you awake at night.
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Wed Jun-09-04 02:52 PM
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didn't need surgery, just lots of rehab.....
In a sling for a month and slow strength building after that.
but ya know what....my shoulder can tell it's raining before I can.
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Wed Jun-09-04 02:53 PM
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3. that's a clear case of dry rot, CUT OFF THAT LIMB!!! |
it's a Stooges quote :)
Hope your shoulder feels better.
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Wed Jun-09-04 03:22 PM
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6. If you google "aching rotator cuff" you'll get alot of |
good hits.
My Mom was diagnosed with bursitis in her shoulder and several shots of Cortisol really helped
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Wed Jun-09-04 03:38 PM
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It's a very easy surgery, I've had both shoulders done. Recovery is quick. Thought i was going to be a pro bull rider about 30 yrs ago.
commander bunnypants
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Wed Jun-09-04 03:40 PM
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I have heard it is painful. I worked for some orthopods and it sure looked painful
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Wed Jun-09-04 03:48 PM
Response to Reply #8 |
10. I've had several surgery's on my shoulders. |
Rotators were the least painful and the quickest recovery time. I've separated my right bicep twice, those are the most painful. Takes about 6 months to a year to fully recover. Rotators, i went to work in a week.
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Wed Jun-09-04 03:43 PM
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9. Take it seriously and get it checked |
My father didn't and when he finally had to go in for surgery, there was nothing they could do for him. The surgeon's exact words were: "there's nothing there but mush".
He sure regrets not having that pain in his shoulder checked out sooner.
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