Actually, I shouldn't blame it on Reagan. After all, he's simply the man who is being interred. He had no say in the matter. It was that Connecticut carpet-bagger and his neocon administration. Now, I like a day off as much as the next lazy, slacker student. But during the summer session, I could do without. I have five weeks to complete a math and astronomy course. Every day is critical. When one day is eliminated the professors have to rearrange their schedules (and thus, we do as well). I mean, it's not a big deal, I suppose, but come on. The man died. Was there a national day of mourning when Nixon kicked it? How about when LBJ shuffled off this mortal coil? But I digress. America needs a day off to reflect on the life of Ronald Reagan - although, knowing his love of workers and non-multimillionaires, I'm sure he'd rather government employees be forced to work on Saturday in his honor.