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Do we really need a "tell-all" book about Marvin Gaye?

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Bush_Eats_Beef Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-13-04 12:51 AM
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Do we really need a "tell-all" book about Marvin Gaye?
"Mercy, Mercy Me: The Art, Loves & Demons of Marvin Gaye"...which the author is calling a "work of bio-criticism"...

I always felt that Gaye was a true genius...a "voice" that belonged on whatever pedestal "great voices" belong on...Sinatra, Nat King Cole, whoever...and it's no great secret that the man lived in the light as well as the shadows...but do we really need a book that explores his "Art, Loves & Demons?"

If you want to explore Marvin Gaye, you take any one of his CDs, starting with "What's Going On"...put it in the player...and press "play."

Here's the author's spin:

"Dyson sees Gaye's life as symbolic of many struggles, particularly those of the African-American male. With the unearthing of old recordings and new information about the singer, as well as the 20th anniversary of his death in April, Dyson believed the time was right for a discussion of Gaye's legacy."

I sort of feel that the time is right to let Marvin rest in peace...

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