Ms. Layton advised that "Rev. Jones...claimed that he was the reincarnation of...Lenin, Jesus Christ
...had divine powers." And further stated that Jones also "appeared deluded by a paranoid vision of the world. He would not sleep for days at a time and talk compulsively about the conspiracies against him." The compound "was swarming with armed guards no one was permitted to leave unless on a special assignment," Layton said. Jim Jones warned "that the time was not far off when it would become necessary for to die by own hands," she added. A so-called "White Night" or "state of emergency" was often declared at the compound and within this context mass suicide was rehearsed
Who do we know is delusional and thinking that they have divine intervention and was chosen to lead us into Iraq, and rid us of the evildoers. and according to some of the books out now have an Atty. General use Crisco on his head for prayer service as annointed. Who has no tolerance of any other religion? who thinks the liberals and all are totally against him personally, (well he may be right on that one) I can't stand him personally. That he has military and armies around him, afraid of the people? who uses the phrase, i can see into a man's soul? Yeah there are similarties! Curses every breath as Jim Jones did and then prasies the Lord in the next.