Okay, I'm posting this because one of the girls in this story is one of my best friends, and I care about her a lot. So bear with me.
I'm going to refer to the two girls that are in this relationship as 1 and 2, with the other girl being referred to as 3.
1 and 2 have been going together for about five years. They're deeply in love, but not without their problems. 2 has always had a sort of obsession with her ex-girlfriend, who we'll call 3. 2 and 3's breakup was violent, with 3 being accused of many forms of abuse by the end of it. She did some time for assault or battery, I believe. 1 and 2 have had little quarrels between them about it, because 2 literally has no willpower when it comes to 3. 3 is a complete sociopath, she's been in a mental hospital, and should be in prison for rape but they couldn't prove it. It doesn't help that 1 looks quite a bit like 3, either.
But 3 hasn't really been around much, and 1 even put a restraining order on her. 1&2 have had their own private "marriage ceremony" -- not official, of course -- but the meaning is still there for them, rings and all. 3 got out of the mental hospital yesterday, and called up 1&2, saying some of her belongings were at their house, and she wanted them back. They agreed she'd come and get them.
3 got her stuff, and before she left, gave 2 a hug. 3 said "2... don't you wish we could be together again... without all the bullshit problems we had?" 2 said she didn't, that she had a new love now, and things couldn't be just magically the same.
3 said "But... now that I'm on meds... things could be like they were again... imagine if you were given a choice... to give up all you have to come back and try again... would you?" 2 said she would, they kissed, and 3 left.
This was all in front of 1, who after a long fight, threw her ring at 2 and said it was the last straw and stormed out to her friend's house. 2 left to go somewhere, and 1 came back with friends to 2's house(they live together).
*Note: I don't condone her behavior at this part, just saying what happened*
1 goes into 2's room, and searches it for anything she can find. She finds a small box hidden with tons of pictures and love notes from 3... presumably from 5 years ago, but there were recent pictures too.
I heard this story for hours last night over the phone. 1 is with her friends, and probably suicidal -- but that's not the issue. The two girls she's with will take care of that. This was 1's only relationship and 1 is convinced she's the only girl for her... that she was truly in love.
What should she do? :/