So, at about 7:30 am I get on the bus to go to work , slaving away as a housekeeper at the Hyatt. About 3 stops after I board, I see some Nader supporters get on with big suitcases etc...and sit in the handicapped seats, taking 2 seats for each of the 3. (They were easily identifiable because they had a bunch of Nader crap on, and signs etc...) I'm thinking fine, if an old or handicapped person gets on they'll move, or at least move their shit instead of taking up all of that space, right? WRONG!!! They were under the illusion that they were in the Green Party, but the Green Party candidate is Cobb, who I respect ALOT more than Ralphie (I'm secretly campaigning for Bush) Nader). You would think that being Green Party folks, they would practice what they preach , and be more considerate of those less fortunate, or handicapped, or just not hog up all of that space. Well you would be WRONG if you thought that. A couple of stops later, and elderly woman gets on, and they just look at her and laugh about how new and exciting the bus ride is..:eyes: So even though I'm 6 rows back I QUICKLY surrender my seat to the woman, who is very greatful that SOMEONE could see she could barely walk. So I'm standing and watching the oblivious selfish dickwads gab away about their beloved Nader (:puke::puke: double :puke::puke:) and a few stops later a youngish man gets on, who is severely handicapped with Cerebral Palsy. I note that he is wearing an apron, and appears to work in a restarant of some type, when he should be on disability, but is no doubt forced to work because he will otherwise be homeless. Obviously the man was in a lot of pain, and this was the BEGINNING of his day. Well the selfish losers up front made him stand, and the elderly woman I had given the seat to a few stops before, GETS UP AND GIVES THIS MAN THE SEAT. People make me fucking sick! There were MANY people that could have gotten up, but just pretended the elderly woman and severely handicapped man didn't exist. Well whatever.... I'm fuming till I get off at the Federal Building downtown with the Nader people. One of them asked me if I was going to vote for Nader, and I nearly popped him. I said you people are with the Green Party right? (Yes we are) Well aren't you supposed to be more compassionate and concerned about your fellow man than the other parties? (Oh, yes! that's right we are!) Well no you aren't because I just watched you take up twice as many seats as you need to while you watched and elderly waman and a severely handicapped man stand. I find you to be very hypocritical in that regard as well as the fact that Nader who claims to be against corporate whores, actually is doing more to get Bush elected then Bush himself is! Also the Green Party won't touch Nader with a 10ft. poll this election. Have a nice day! (shocked looks and dismayed silence.)