A long-time friend of ours, who happens to be a Republican, just made a comment that put it all into perspective for me. In the past we fought bitterly over political issues. So much so that we went our separate ways for several years even though he lives less than a mile from where we do. But, we kept weaving back into each other's lives and suddenly, he's calling almost once a week just to share a laugh. We haven't brought up politics, but last night he dropped a huge hint about what has really been on his mind. I don't even remember what I said, but he responded, "You can afford to be a Democrat."
I'm not a Democrat, but I know exactly what he meant. He's a single guy in his forties who never married because he never felt he made enough money to maintain a family in a style of comfort that he felt was acceptable. He works long hours, and sometimes two jobs at a time. For him, being a Republican meant that he kept most of his earnings to spend on his own needs.
What this tells me is that Democrats need to prove that they can make a positive economic difference in the lives of people like him. He grew up believing that one day he would be in the top 10% income earning bracket, so he doesn't see how sacrificing his money to pay for social programs directly benefits him. He doesn't relate to being an ordinary Joe, because he was always focused on living the good life. That's why it's so easy for Republicans to snare in people like him. The trickle down concept appeals to them because they one day see themselves as the direct recipients of those policies. Simply put, they live for the promise of tomorrow, not in the reality of today.
And, really, who can blame them? Reality bites. Even Bill Clinton mentioned this in his book when he talked about his mother's outlook on life. At least from the perception that I received from the newspaper article, Clinton stated his mother was not the depressed, anxious type, and instead, she enjoyed life and he remembers her going to Vegas often to gamble.
I certainly don't fault her for this, but I just want to point out, that much of the changes that we see today that are favoring the Democratic party are due to people who have lived the last decade anxious and depressed. In fact, I dare say that DU's membership is primarily composed of people who have been anxious and depressed over the trends of the last decade.
So, it's about how we face realities that has been making the difference. It's not that Democrats can "afford" to be Democratic in their views, as my friend put it, but that they cannot afford not to be. They live in today's reality, knowing that the promise of tomorrow is based on good decisions that our leaders make today, and even if we as individuals strive to live the good life, our leaders must face harsh realities and ensure that the system remains fair for everyone. This means, for example, that regulation is necessary because instability only benefits a few, and only for a short while, but stability provides a foundation from which we all benefit in the long run.