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WI DUers: Notes on the feeding and care of my grandmother

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Padraig18 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 11:50 AM
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WI DUers: Notes on the feeding and care of my grandmother
Edited on Sat Jun-26-04 12:04 PM by Padraig18
Alert Level: Orange

My 90 year-old Gran's annual trek to her cabin on Round Lake, near Waupaca, will be underway in approximately 30 minutes; she will be accompanied by my 86 year-old great-aunt. It is only fair for those of you who have not encountered her to be aware of the following:

1.) If you see a mint-condition, blue 1976 Caddilac Sedan de Ville bearing Illinois license plates barreling down the middle of a highway near you, PLEASE pull over; the middle of the road DOES belong to her (or so she thinks);

2.) She insists on swimming twice a day, no matter the weather or water temperature, so if you are in the vicinity of the lake, please look at all beach areas with one eye closed, as gravity, time and giving birth to 14 children have taken a rather heavy toll on her physique;

3.) Should you have the pleasure of serving her in a restaurant, rest assured you will be tipped well (generally 25%); however, do NOT ask her "Would you like another beer?" when you see her glass empty--- assume that she does. She will advise you when she does not;

4.) Do not become unduly alarmed should she open her purse and you glimpse an extremely large Browning handgun (yes, it's loaded); she has taken firearms-safety classes and has a CCW permit from the Sheriff's Office, and Gran has only threatened to use it 4 times in my lifetime (the police said that at least three times were clearly justified);

5.) Do not attempt to cheat her monetarily; Microsoft would not have an advertizing budget large enough to offset the badmouthing she will give your business.

If you follow these rules, your encounter with Gran should be a nice one; ignore them at your peril.


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Dying Eagle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 11:51 AM
Response to Original message
1. LOL
I'm in Appleton, WI, in my house am i safe?
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Padraig18 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 11:52 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Possibly
She doesn't like to drive long distances. ;)
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supernova Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 11:53 AM
Response to Original message
She sounds like a pistol! :D
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Padraig18 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 11:54 AM
Response to Reply #3
5. She's a 'live wire', to say the least.
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Nikia Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 11:54 AM
Response to Original message
4. We were going to go camping near Waupace
We'll keep a look out.
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Padraig18 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 11:56 AM
Response to Reply #4
7. She may stop, if she sees you.
She always worries about campers and has been known to invite them to her place, should it turn cold, or the weather get rough.

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prolesunited Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 11:55 AM
Response to Original message
6. I don't know which made me smile more
Your Gran or your description of her. She sounds like a real treasure. Hope she has a great time.
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Padraig18 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 11:57 AM
Response to Reply #6
8. Indeed she is!
But I did feel that a fair warning was in order.

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SoCalDem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 01:08 PM
Response to Reply #8
11. My Great-Aunt quit driving at 90 ....after her FIRST ticket
She was speeding...95 miles an hour on I-70, going to her daughter's farm..

She was so embarrassed, that she gave her 1966 Impala to her grandson..that very day..:)
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MuseRider Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 12:03 PM
Response to Original message
9. Well now,
this goes a long way to explaining your spunkiness my friend. I hope to be just like your Gram in 40 years. I love older ladies like this, they are a national treasure even if a little bit of a hazard. You are so funny.
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Padraig18 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 12:05 PM
Response to Reply #9
10. Aye, I'm a cheek out of Gran's arse!
She's a dear old soul!

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m-jean03 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 01:11 PM
Response to Original message
12. Wow!

That's great, Padraig. She sounds amazing. BTW, I really think you should try getting some of your stuff published if you haven't already. :loveya:
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Padraig18 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 01:32 PM
Response to Reply #12
15. Thanks, darlin'!
I've had bits and pieces published locally, but only one piece picked up by the AP. I'll keep trying, though. :)
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m-jean03 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 01:53 PM
Response to Reply #15
16. That's impressive - the AP

What was that piece about? :hi:
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Padraig18 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 01:59 PM
Response to Reply #16
17. It was about the growth of the methampheatmine problem in the Midwest
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m-jean03 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 02:02 PM
Response to Reply #17
18. Congratulations

It feels great to get published. :-)
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PopSixSquish Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 01:16 PM
Response to Original message
13. Did I Read that Right...14 Children?
That's not a typo? Bless her heart and the rest of her too.

Based on your description, I love this woman! And I think you're pretty special too Padraig18.
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Padraig18 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 01:31 PM
Response to Reply #13
14. Yes, 14.
I'm one of 14 myself, and thank you-- I think you're rather special, too!

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latebloomer Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 03:16 PM
Response to Original message
19. Your gran sounds like a pisser!
No disrespect intended. Great description!
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Padraig18 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 03:38 PM
Response to Reply #19
20. She's very much a pisser!
'Character' and 'pistol' are other terms I've seen used to describe her. ;)
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HereSince1628 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 03:49 PM
Response to Original message
21. Illinoisans trying to intimidate Cheeseheads with guns is old
but then so is your granny.

If she "makes the day" of some Wisconsin waitress you'll understand how things have changed around here...

What with globalization, stem cell research and Indian Gaming, we don't need gangster flatlanders like we used to. About all the mob families are good for now is owning the grocery chains.

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Padraig18 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 06:06 PM
Response to Reply #21
23. 'Gangster flatlanders'? LOLOLOLOL!
I like that! :P
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SW FL Dem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 04:42 PM
Response to Original message
22. LOL Your Grandmother sounds a lot like mine
The women on my mom's side of that family have all been feisty and lived well into their 90s. One of my favorite stories was when my great grandmother was dying at 96, her older sister (98) flew cross country, took a cab from the airport to the the hospital. A nurse saw her in the hallway and tried to gently escort Aunt Pearl to her room. After several minutes of arguing that she wasn't a patient, Aunt Pearl hit the nurse with her purse and said "Goddammit take me to see my sister". Aunt Pearl died shortly after her 103rd birthday.
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Padraig18 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 06:08 PM
Response to Reply #22
24. hehehe!
Maybe we're related, because your Aunt Pearl surely sounds like she could be one of Gran's sisters!

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