And It makes me sick. Fundies are bullies to people who are not like them.They declared a culture war on everyone else. In my observation of them it seems cannot think straight because their thoughts are circular and everything they think out must either be authority OKed or bible rationalized.If it fits neither criteria it is rejected as a illegitimate thought,even if by all observation it makes sense to most other kinds of people.Fundamentalists are ruled by fear,they can't hear other points of view when they are too fearful of hearing what they fear what might contradict their belief system.Their egos are that fragile and the bible is their only hope because they do not trust themself..They redefine words and invert the meanings. Fundamentalist Rapture freaks have no business leading countries and shaping foreign policy to suit their religion plan.
The founders of America were running away from religious persecution. Fundamentalists are the persecutors in all types of religion. Because the founding fathers had not recovered from bigotry,trauma and mental illness they persecuted Indians,they had white male only power structures,they were very back wards.But it was their desire to let go of the rigid authoritarianism of fundamentalism in favor of freedom than made this country different from a country with a king that sanctioned persecutions.
There has always been a tension between personalities in societies...On one side there are those personalities who prefer get along with others and do not see it as a hindrance,who have an inner locus of control,and do not bow to authorities without asking "why"..The people who play fair because they have empathy and can see beyond themselves or people like themselves,those who enjoy pluralism and diversity and are not threatened by people's inherent differences in appearance, preference, thought or orientations ..People who do not think only in terms of rewards or punishments.or in black or whit.People who can handle complexity. People who do or don't do things based in forethought and careful evaluation knowing full well the power of their choices.
and there is the other side of society where people are seeking simplicity,who would rather not risk stepping outside their favorite ways off thinking,bullies,narcissists,authoritarians,and people who do not want to have an inner locus of control,manipulative conduct disordered people and enablers, demanding others be like they are or at least keep up the appearances they are not different(conformity).People who seek to control others and dominate,people who excuse abuses or rationalize it,people who see things as black and white,enemy or allies,people who do as they are told.People stuck in a paradigm of reward and punishment,in a top down hierarchy.People who do things because they can.
In between these two poles are infinite mixes of combinations of people,each shift one way or the other depending on many factors.
The clash is cultural..
A culture clash between two very different personalities and ego orientations in people.