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Thank you Dallas Cowboys - for giving some of our players a 'bye' week :D

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LynneSin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-01-07 10:39 AM
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Thank you Dallas Cowboys - for giving some of our players a 'bye' week :D
I mean, we Eagles fan knew that either Dallas had to lose or we had to win in order for the Eagles to secure the division title. Now mind you, Eagles are playing the Falcons at a 4pm game and the Falcons are always a challenge when it comes to people like Michael Vick and Warren Dunn. We figured we'd have a tough time at it ESPECIALLY knowing that at 1pm, Dallas had their final game with the horribly sucky Detroit Lions.

I guess the Lions were better than I thought. Shortly after the Eagles game started and the Dallas loss was announced, Andy Reid called a timeout and pulled just about every starter from the field since it would no longer matter if we beat the Falcons or not.

Thank you Dallas for totally sucking it up and choking against the one team that just about everyone else in the league could beat. Not only did you give us the division champ title BUT I'm sure the folks in Seattle are gonna appreciate hosting your team next week since your lost also ensured a roadtrip next week.


BTW, even with our 2nd & 3rd string team, we still beat the Atlanta Falcons


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Bullwinkle925 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-01-07 11:53 AM
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1. Ha ha ha ha ha ha......
My sentiments, exactly. I had recorded the 'Dallas' game while I was out yesterday, but, unfortunately the recording ended before the game did. I assumed that Dallas lost - but it was good to read your confirmation post. Good luck in the playoffs.

My only wish is that my Niners had played the entire year like they played yesterday.
Oh well - there's always 'Next Year'.
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